Data Decimal Error when call EXTOL External Call

Data Decimal Error when call EXTOL External Call


Inbound 850 map error when calling an EXTOL External Call.


Data decimal error occurred when calling an RPGLE program. Not much information is provided except for statement number in RPGLE program.

Interactive job log message:

Decimal data error.
Function check. MCH1202 unmonitored by EXT055 at statement 0000000383,
Decimal-data error occurred (C G D F).

Additional Interactive job log message:

Message . . . . : Decimal-data error occurred (C G D F).
Cause . . . . . : RPG procedure EXT055 in program EXTOLVRFM/EXT055 found a
decimal-data error at statement 383. A packed or zoned value does not
contain valid numeric data. A digit and/or sign is not valid.


1. Review current inbound transactions to see which inbound 850 process is currently in Sched/Trans.

2. Recomplile program EXT055.. By re-compiling program into QTEMP, I was able to determine what was actually occurring at statement 0000000383.

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