›> ›> EXTOL Business Integrator (EBI/EBF) - Setting Up a Flat File Schema 101 continued.

EXTOL Business Integrator (EBI/EBF) - Setting Up a Flat File Schema 101 continued.

12th December 2013

In addition to setting up the EXTOL flatfile schema and defining the delimiters (below) we need to define the record layout.

The record layout can be defined by 1 of the 5 set-ups below:

  • Single Format Delimited Flat File
  • Single Format Fixed Length Flat File
  • Multiple Format Delimited Flat File
  • Multiple Format Fixed Length Flat File
  • Multiple Format Fixed Length Flat File, Advanced*

When it comes time to save the EXTOL Flat File Schema for the first time, we will see the screen below. Depending on how the flat file is used – Target or Schema; EXTOL EBI will ask us to define the flat file layout.

EXTOL Schema flat file properties

Note: EXTOL does no use the following set-ups. They were originally implemented in earlier releases of EBI, ie version 2.2

  • Multiple Format Delimited Flat File, multiple transformations
  • Multiple Format Fixed Length Flat File, multiple transformations

*Multiple Format Fixed Length Flat File, Advanced is used by multiformat schemas utilize in TMW. TMW schemas can have multiple record types with the same record identifier. EXTOL is able to distinguish between these ‘like’ record types.

Copyright 2013 @ www.seanhoppe.com

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